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MONTANI arquitectos
Architecture studio that develops comprehensive projects where the investigation of disciplinary variables materializes. Within these investigations, the normative framework is analyzed with the intention of generating proposals that arise from the new interpretations of the norm.
We are known for being an active study in the academic debate, but with the professional commitment to carry out these reflections on the contemporary habitat.
Regarding construction, we believe that it should be conceived from innovation and environmental conservation, not only in the construction process but from the care of the social factor. We believe that the realization of undertakings promotes economic development for all parties involved, which is why thinking of the architectural project as a business strategy is one of our hallmarks.

Building is not only the materialization of a project, it represents a constant management exercise where the project must be thought from the efficiency of the processes that become economic efficiency, without disregarding the design criteria with which the building was conceived.

know us

Arquitecto Juan Jose Montani - Montani Arquitectos

Arch. Juanjo Montani

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  • Maestría en Investigación Proyectual Orientación Vivienda – Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires UBA 2016, Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Posgrado Especialidad en Investigación Proyectual: Orientación Vivienda Universidad de Buenos Aires - UBA 2015, Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Posgrado Historia del Arte, sociedad central de Arquitectos. 1996 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Posgrado en Preservación del Patrimonio, Universidad de la Sapienza ,1995. Roma – Italia.
  • Posgrado en Creatividad en Arquitectura, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires UBA 1993, Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Carrera profesional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires UBA 1980, Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Especialista en Investigación Proyectual: orientación vivienda – por la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos Aires – (UBA) Buenos Aires Argentina.
  • Arquitecto, por la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos Aires – (UBA) Buenos Aires Argentina.
 Docencia universitaria:
  • Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos Aires – (UBA) Buenos Aires Argentina. Posgrado. 2año. Taller de proyectos III – 2017. Actualidad.
  • Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo - Universidad de Buenos Aires – (UBA) Buenos Aires Argentina. Grado 4to año. Proyectos IV 1988 -1990.

Architect Juan Jose Montani

Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires Year 1980.
He has carried out projects independently since 1989.
Architect designers for Dams Argentina since 1994.
Creator and Owner of Montani Arquitectos in 2004.
Project Research Specialist oriented to housing 2017.


Presentation "Design Research in Architecture" within the framework of the Week of International Conferences XXXII Anniversary of Institutional Creation 2017 University of Chiclayo, Peru.


Teaching Assistant Project Chair at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires 1982, 1983 and 1984.
Visiting professor Master's Degree Research Project Poiesis Center 2018 and 2019.








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Migueletes 1229 PB Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (1426) Buenos Aires, Argentina

© Since 1998 by MONTANI Architects.

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