Many cities in the world, and particularly in Latin America, grow from public transport routes, generating poles of neighborhood development that spontaneously take over the territory, only regulated by the market and in the best of cases by some urban laws that they have little to do with the discipline of architecture.
Creating low or medium density cities with high costs of services, transportation and many deficiencies in green places for recreation, service infrastructure, security, public administration, organization of commerce, generating huge urban suburbs and the consequent fragmentation of the same due to the multiplicity of transport networks that converge in the same transshipment node.
This thesis proposes to reflect on this problem while producing housing projects with low cost of services, around transport nodes that today operate outside the theoretical, methodological and technical resignations of architecture. Which are essential to conceive its use, its management, and its maintenance, thus avoiding the creation of ghettos and large residual areas of informal appropriation.
In addition, delve into the enormous interest around the urban landscape and the revision of the classic relationships between the land, neither homogeneous nor delimited, indeterminate and not stable, with the built.
Understanding the landscape as one more category of the operating system that makes up the inhabiting of the city.
Collective housing and green space in urban transport nodes

Realizing the lack of green spaces and the need to densify in areas near the transshipment center, associated with the unregulated growth of the urban fabric, the lack of clear protocols for commercial proliferation and improvisation in terms of zonal management, it is proposed the project of a public housing park that reconstructs a new territory or type of territoriality where these problems overlap and mutually correspond, consolidating new places of appropriation for the city, with a new artificial topography called public housing park that operates in the territory of the Liniers railway station.
In a property of about 800 meters long by 100 meters wide that borders to the north with the neighborhood network of low-density housing, to the south with the Liniers railway station, to the west with Gral. Paz avenue and a link with the AMBA West sector, and to the east with the future park mentioned by the Environmental Urban Plan.
This thesis proposes to reflect on this problem while producing housing projects with low cost of services, around transport nodes that today operate outside the theoretical, methodological and technical resignations of architecture. Which are essential to conceive its use, its management, and its maintenance, thus avoiding the creation of ghettos and large residual areas of informal appropriation.
In addition, delve into the enormous interest around the urban landscape and the revision of the classic relationships between the land, neither homogeneous nor delimited, indeterminate and not stable, with the built.
Understanding the landscape as one more category of the operating system that makes up the inhabiting of the city.

This is how the project deals with the deformation of the old structures that concern the problem of a housing node, transforming them into dynamic spaces, intersection movements, functional fluctuations, overlaps between different levels that refer architecture to almost geological movement processes, made by overlapping layers of uses rather than volumes. Topography, more than volumetry. This is how the project deals with the deformation of the old structures that concern the problem of a housing node, transforming them into dynamic spaces, intersection movements, functional fluctuations, overlaps between different levels that refer architecture to almost geological movement processes, made by overlapping layers of uses rather than volumes. Topography, more than volumetry.
The consideration of the void as an architectural material is not alien to this dynamic, due to its abstract, diffuse component, beyond the architectural form, that quality of the ambiguous made up of absences and presences, which allow through a landscape in resonance with its qualities and precisely instrumented, crossing wide lines of flight in which the surfaces that resolve the uses in overlapping relationships are forcefully manifested.
Relations of soils on soils raises the paradoxical question of densification and disappearance.